The landscape around the sports industry is changing. These changes apply to both the rules of the individual sport, with new technological opportunities, and the organization and ecosystem around the sports industry that is in great need to adapt to the increasing complexity.
This is a result of many dynamics in society - not just the technological and digital opportunities, but also demographics, globalization and individualization - that are creating new expectations to experiences, services and performances. These megatrends are fundamental trends that shape society and markets over the long-term and represent our assumed knowledge about the probable future. They affect every aspect of society - including the sports landscape. At the Center for Future Driven Sports Innovation we look at megatrends from a 360-degree perspective on the future of the sports industry and how to incorporate that knowledge when working with innovation.
By looking at the drivers and blockers that are changing the strategic environment in sports we explore and help companies and organizations to be prepared for the future - locally and globally.
The Center for Future Driven Sports Innovation is an ecosystem for stakeholders who want to get a head start working strategically with future insights and uncertainties in the sports industry.
Research has shown that previous epidemics, pandemics and large catastrophes have had serious psychological consequences for the affected population, but there is still little knowledge about the consequences of the current social distancing on our society and our mental state.
The question is, among other things, whether the situation will create a new optimism toward the possibilities and alternatives that exist, or we will lock ourselves into cocoons where instability and a constant need to change habits will affect our mental state. At the same time, it is interesting what the crisis means for the communities and meeting places of the future. Will we, after the pandemic, do things the same way as before, or will we see more lasting change?
In this report, we have outlined six megatrends and four scenarios in the future concerning sports and cultural life. Here, important questions and possible opportunities for the sports and cultural sector are highlighted. What role should culture and sport have in the future seen from a broad health perspective - both in relation to work and private life?
One of the scenarios points to the fact that sport and culture can potentially facilitate several opportunities during and after the crisis, which can be an engine in the development of the civil society of the future. A renewed focus on the value of sport and culture with a broader general health focus can create new initiatives, for example by developing and maintaining better meeting places and communities, so that we can support people's mental health throughout life with culture and sports being a central player.
The report was made with a donation from Velliv Foreningen (The Velliv Association) as part of their COVID-19 emergency fund.
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