For Organisations

Organisations with a structured approach to strategic foresight outperform organisations who do not prepare for an increasingly uncertain future.

For Organisations

Organisational training

The Institute offers tailor-made organisational training programs to help you integrate foresight and futures thinking into your organisational processes and strategic decision-making. Our formats include bootcamps and courses to ensure maximum engagement and learning outcome.

Get futures prepared today

Futures Partnership

- Make your organisation futures-ready.

We offer a partnership tailored for foresight practitioners—a partnership aimed at empowering them to succeed in their roles within organisations by understanding their challenges and supporting them in value creation. Our goal is to support them in achieving success by assisting in building their foresight capabilities and keeping up-to-date with the evolving landscape of the foresight discipline.

Strategic Foresight Sparring

Organisations with a structured approach to strategic foresight outperform organisations who do not prepare for an increasingly uncertain future. We provide continuous actionable research through:

Ongoing sparring with CIFS foresight experts, leveraging the experience of CIFS advisors on foresight methods, and drawing on their extensive experience across various industries.

A peer-to-peer network where practitioners can engage in sparring sessions to understand how the role of foresight is evolving through shared experiences.

Our Foresight Maturity Survey provides insights into how well-aligned your strategy, foresight needs, and foresight capabilities are.

Next-Level Upgrades

Many organisations do not know where to start, when it comes to working effectively with the future. Together, we identify where strategic foresight can make the biggest difference in your organisation through:

Either: 1) One tailor-made presentation about a topic of your choice OR 2) Two course seats on one of our popular courses

10% discount on the first DKK 200.000 in project spending

Access to Our Foresight Practitioners Network

The Foresight Practitioners Network is a peer-to-peer network tailored to empower foresight practitioners within organisations. With this network we assist practitioners in overcoming challenges, enhancing their foresight capabilities, and staying updated on the evolving role of foresight by engaging in shared experiences during sparring sessions.

Insights & Inspiration​

4 x FARSIGHT (print & digital), unlimited access to our digital knowledge archive, and Futures Seminars with futurists and expert guests.

Become futures thought leaders through co-branding with the Institute and supporting a non-profit to do futures research.

Become a Partner

If you or your organisation are interested in becoming a Futures Partner, please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you soon.


We conduct targeted research and support decision-making in organisations globally through scenario planning, megatrend & risk analysis, innovation processes, & strategic foresight.

The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies has a long history and proven track-record of working with corporations and organisations worldwide, advising on strategic foresight, megatrend analysis and scenario planning. Futures studies is not about predicting the future, but rather it is about building resilience and identifying opportunities in the face of uncertainty, while also embracing what can emerge out of complexity.

We are global leaders in the use of futurist methods developed to solve strategic organisational and business challenges. We apply the methodology to support our clients in future-proofing strategies, planning beyond forecasting, risk analysis as well as foresight-driven innovation processes.

Megatrends & Strategy

Megatrends are long-term trends that influence societies globally. They are tectonic plates moving underneath our societies, which slowly but surely shape and affect most things around us. Our mantra is ‘you can’t hide from a megatrend’. When developing a solid and successful strategy or scenario process, it is essential to identify the megatrends influencing the future of your particular organisation and to be prepared for their effects.

How We Can Support You

Our methods are tailored to meet your specific challenges and needs, which we will match with our specialist knowledge developed through decades of experience. Our experts span across more than 10 different academic and professional disciplines, which we believe enables us to mirror and reflect the kaleidoscope of dynamics affecting any modern individual, business, or organisation. A collaboration with us will strengthen your ability to navigate in the future as well as your capacity to shape it.

The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies works exploratively and independently of special interests. This ensures your organisation a dynamic, applicable, and unbiased approach delivering a result that builds on a 360-degree view of the future.

Organisational Training

We offer tailor-made training programmes that give your team or organisation the opportunity to work closely together to explore the future and learn how to apply strategic foresight.

Businesses and organisations that cultivate a culture of strategic foresight will fare better as we are continually faced with critical uncertainties. And every organisation or team can develop capabilities and processes that enable them to better anticipate the future.

At the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies we offer training programmes exclusively for your organisation to help you integrate foresight and futures thinking into your organisational processes and strategic decision-making.

All our training programmes are designed by our experts who bring their knowledge and expertise from working daily with strategic foresight and futures-oriented issues.

For more details on our organisational training:


We put together talks tailor-made to your organisation and interests.

Our advisors cover a broad range of expert areas, spanning over five decades of experience. We offer bespoke solutions, whether your organisation is a private entity, or a governmental institution. Click on a profile below and discover our experts.

Latest Talk

Carsten Beck spent the weekend in Vienna facilitating a talk regarding the future of advertising agencies and creativity in the age of AI technology. Are you looking for a speaker at your next event? Click below and discover our list of keynote presenters, the themes we have covered in the past as well as how we might inspire you and your organisation at your next event.

Read more about Talks