Partnership with the Danish National School of Performing Arts

Imagining the Future with emerging performance artists.

The National School of Performing Arts in Denmark has launched its new Master of Fine Arts in Performing Arts with the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies as a proud partner. 

The emerging artists are enrolled to “Imagine the Future” and explore the current circumstances influencing the changing socio-cultural and demographic profiles of audiences and their communities. 

The Institute will act as an anchor of applied futures studies methods in the creative and artistic fields. Through workshops, lectures, artistic productions, and Futures Literacy Laboratories, we will equip and inspire the artists to actively contribute to the creation of new stories that catalyse society to engage with and participate in new adventures, and in co-creating the future. 

Concretely, Futures Literacy is the capability of imagining and diversifying futures and using this to gain a new perspective on the present. 

Our Futures Literacy Laboratories are exploratory workshops organised to confront the values and beliefs behind our common anticipations. They stimulate futures literacy as a capability by taking participants through a three-phased learning curve: The first phase REVEALs the implicit preferences and expectations that participants have about the future. The second phase REFRAMEs the participants’ assumptions by confronting an imaginary future scenario, so that in the third phase, they can RETHINK and formulate new perspectives and ask new questions regarding the future. By practising this, we can improve our ability to imagine without constraints and emancipate the imagination from fear to enable innovation towards hope. 

Together with CIFS, we have launched a new research program, Imagining the Future, at the new Master of Fine Arts in Performing Arts at Denmark's National School of Performing Arts. The students have, with tremendous enthusiasm, embraced the partnership with CIFS through their workshop, lectures, and futures literacy laboratories. The merge between The Institute's methods of applied futures studies and the creative and artistic field of performing arts has become impressively fruitful. We are very grateful for the achievements made possible by the contribution from CIFS to create new stories and new ways of telling them.
- Runar Hodne, Professor, The Danish National School of Performing Arts


If our Futures Literacy Laboratories spark your interest, feel free to contact us for further information?
