Tamira Snell's primary area of interest is people. The pursuit of understanding how we live, feel, think, act and consume the way we do, is the fuel to Tamira's engine of knowledge. Her talks are based on the dynamics between societal currents, cultural shifts and the emergence of new patterns of behaviour. Tamira adds value by combining the macro perspective on changes in the global community with behavioural analyses and needs on the micro level, in order to better consult and advise organisations on navigating a world in a constant state of change.
Tamira holds a degree in cultural sociology and spent many years abroad, before eventually relocating back to Denmark. She has worked positions such as Lead Insight Analyst in KPMG, Trend Ethnographer at Flensby & Partners, and Insight Lead in Nordic Health Lab. Her work as a Futurist at the Institute, allows her to do what she does best; bridge the gap between the past, present and the future to identify and map the interconnections that are relevant in strategic and innovative decision making processes